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Project: Turbo Play


780German Matias Lucero1733153612
02/12/2024 15:33

When I modify the "intensity" parameter and close the project, opening it does not save the selected value.

779German Matias Lucero1732641036
26/11/2024 17:10
BugBounding box

I have automated the "Bounding Box" on and off button in a Text part. In order to save what I have done, I must place the playback line over the part of the project where the Bounding Box button is on. Is it possible for this to be saved even though the playback line is somewhere else when the project is closed?

778German Matias Lucero1732459624
24/11/2024 14:47
BugParty Lottie. Editing from the left column.

I will explain the following observation with an example.

1) I work with a Lottie part. 2) I try to modify the size. In these cases it is not displayed correctly on the display. But then export if it looks correct.

777German Matias Lucero1732386958
23/11/2024 18:35
BugDrag Item - LUTs

If I search for the LUTs from "find in explorer" I can place them over the video parts correctly. But when I drag them they don't work.

775German Matias Lucero1732377944
23/11/2024 16:05
FeatureSave a Preset - video fx

When I save a preset it would be useful to save the automations. Is it possible? 

26/11/2024 06:44 Administrator

I'm not sure, does Cubase do that?

If yes I have to check the "VSTPreset" file.

774German Matias Lucero1732367746
23/11/2024 13:15
Bug3D text

When I enter a part of 3d Text. When I want to exit the Esc key does not work. I have to change the size of the screen to be able to exit. It would be preferable if that did not happen.

773German Matias Lucero1731950672
18/11/2024 17:24
Bug"Mask transform" automation

I think the automation of the "Mask Transform" parameters are not working.

745German Matias Lucero1731018683
07/11/2024 22:31

It would be useful if the "Loops" function was respected when I am inside the Pianoroll

751German Matias Lucero1731018617
07/11/2024 22:30
FeatureFade in Fade out (audio)

These functions should work before vstfx.

771German Matias Lucero1730245219
29/10/2024 23:40
BugAudio effects that come with Turbo Play (Example: ReChoir)

When you use these effects and configure the parameters, they are not saved when you close the project.

770German Matias Lucero1730237529
29/10/2024 21:32
BugTurbo Play closes

When I click on filter and press some keys (for example delete) while it is playing the Turbo Play project closes. The message "End process" appears


769German Matias Lucero1729716268
23/10/2024 20:44
BugMouse Wheel X Position; andPosition; Layer Width; Layer Height and Rotation

The mouse wheel on the indicated track functions is not working correctly.

767German Matias Lucero1729715355
23/10/2024 20:29
BugDelete part of automation

When I select an automation part and press "Delete" the effect is removed. It would be useful if the automation part was eliminated. But it would be useful if the effect continues there.

766German Matias Lucero1729085984
16/10/2024 13:39
BugJoin curvesWhen I use "Join curves" in automations the automations stop working. 

764German Matias Lucero1728567448
10/10/2024 13:37
BugMovement with arrow to the right or arrow to the left

I attach a small video. For example: When I hold down the left arrow key it seems to move correctly. But when I press right arrow it makes some strange jumps.

220German Matias Lucero1728567363
10/10/2024 13:36
BugAudio drawing "Raw file"

When I convert audio to raw audio there is a small movement to the left of the audio drawing.

When I use stretch it also happens that the drawing does not match the audio.

763German Matias Lucero1728067702
04/10/2024 18:48
FeatureAutomation point movement with mouse wheel.

It would be useful if the position jumps were smaller. For greater precision.

750German Matias Lucero1721846312
24/07/2024 18:38

It would be useful to be able to automate the "Crop" positions

749German Matias Lucero1721740636
23/07/2024 13:17
BugVideo function - Speed

When I modify the speed of the video or create a speed automation I think it doesn't work correctly. Or maybe the problem is only with the audio.

258German Matias Lucero1716897374
28/05/2024 11:56
FeatureFull Screen Curve Edit - Mouse Wheel Zoom Features

It would be useful if within "Full Screen Curve edit" Alt+Mouse Wheel, Ctrl+Mouse Wheel and Alt+Mouse Wheel work. Although I suppose the height zoom would not be necessary. If it would be useful to zoom horizontally and move from left to right with the mouse wheel.

260German Matias Lucero1716339348
22/05/2024 00:55
FeatureFull Screen curve edit -

While working in the tracks view you must double click to place an automation point. When we enter Full Screen Curve edit, it would be useful if the "D" is activated by default. It is good to maintain that logic (double click to create automation points). Then if the user wants they can choose "A"

256German Matias Lucero1715772614
15/05/2024 11:30
BugAutomation recording

After recording the automation of some plugin parameter I press play and the recorded automation is not reflected. I have tested this with a Vst3 from Native Instruments. Then I tested it with Vst3 and Vst2 from IK Multimedia and it works correctly.

254German Matias Lucero1715596814
13/05/2024 10:40
BugSelection of notes in Pianorrol. On the right side of the screen.

There is a little problem when I try to select some notes. I will attach a video to better explain the situation.

In this example I try to select some notes starting at measure 33. I keep the left mouse button pressed until measure 37. Then I move the mouse a little to the left (without releasing the left mouse button). Notice that the selection area changes.

253German Matias Lucero1715596459
13/05/2024 10:34
BugPianoroll Grid Visualization

On the right side of the screen the pianoroll is usually displayed with some small problems. I am attaching a video to correctly explain this observation.

252German Matias Lucero1715281707
09/05/2024 19:08
BugPeak meter

Peak meter. On some occasions the track does not coincide with the Master. Or mark various values.

249German Matias Lucero1714317414
28/04/2024 15:16
BugMIDI recording 2/4, 5/4, and 7/4.

When I record MIDI notes in 2/4, 5/4, 7/4 the notes are heard correctly in place. But the MIDI drawing does not match what is heard.

246German Matias Lucero1714301636
28/04/2024 10:53
BugC0 , C1, C2 .... On Vsti piano keys

When you open a Vsti you have the possibility to press the "Piano" key which displays the keys of a piano. The scale must be corrected. For example: Where it says C4 it should say C3.

I attach a small video to clarify this observation.

28/04/2024 10:55 German Matias Lucero

It's not really something important. But it's good to polish those details.

28/04/2024 10:49 German Matias Lucero

Yeah. I'm sure. This was corrected in the piano roll a while ago. Now I would have to correct it in the piano keys that optionally appear when I open a Vsti. I attach a small video.

21/04/2024 19:00 Administrator

Ugh, it seems correc to me, are you sure?

248German Matias Lucero1713805324
22/04/2024 17:02
FeatureAdd Beat Change...

It would be helpful to incorporate the 8 in the denominator.

To be able to make it compatible with rhythms like Blues (for example; 6/8, 12/8...).

247German Matias Lucero1713713077
21/04/2024 15:24
BugSmall noise

Observe; In this example I press Stop a moment before the second "Kick" arrives and a small noise is heard.

I attach a small video with sound and its corresponding package.

244German Matias Lucero1713490406
19/04/2024 01:33
BugSelection - Left mouse button pressed

I will attach a small video to show this observation.

Notice when I try to go left. It gets more difficult. Going to the right is easier.

243German Matias Lucero1713489966
19/04/2024 01:26
BugGroup creation - Menu displayed with right mouse click.

When I use the function "Create group from selected track" and I go to view it from F9 I observe the following. I see two lines on each channel of the track. One line directed towards the group track (I think this is correct) and another line directed towards output (I think this line should not be there).

21/04/2024 19:10 Administrator

This is done internally to allow bypassing the group if needed; It isn't used when the actual group is routed.

242German Matias Lucero1713489502
19/04/2024 01:18
BugSignal routing assignment from F9

I attach a video to explain this observation.

In the example that I attach in the video the following happens:

1) I have two tracks "Percu" and "Guitar".

2) I have created a group track for Percu (Bus Percu) and a group track for guitar (Bus Guitar).

3) Then I created a group track called Master Bus.

4) Now I press F9 and I want to assign the output of Bus Percu and Bus Guitar to Master Bus.

In this example you can see the following: The channels of the "Guitar" track were automatically assigned to the Master Bus.

241German Matias Lucero1713488033
19/04/2024 00:53
FeatureShrink or enlarge parts

When I select several parts it would be useful to enlarge or shorten them in the same proportion.

21/04/2024 19:19 Administrator

It's done that way but only at the right, I intentionally avoid that to the left because it seemed it would create more confusion.

240German Matias Lucero1713449223
18/04/2024 14:07
BugUNDO - REDO Pianoroll

I will explain the following observation with an example:

1) Entrance to the piano roll

2) I place a MIDI note

3) I leave the piano roll

4) If I re-enter the pianoroll I lose the possibility of using UNDO/REDO compared to what I did in item 1.

It would be nice to keep the possibility of doing UNDO/REDO

21/04/2024 19:20 Administrator

That's because the pianoroll has it's own Undo/Redo and once you exit it, there is a "whole" undo, that is, it returns the PR to the state that existed before editing.

239German Matias Lucero1713402353
18/04/2024 01:05
BugVsti + Vstfx recording

When I place a Vsti and a Vstfx and record a MIDI track the following happens: Channels 1 and 2 of the track go to the same output.

I attached a small video

236German Matias Lucero1713303021
16/04/2024 21:30
BugSending from Group Track to Auxiliary Track

In these cases when I set the Auxiliary track to "M (mute)" it should mute the track
Auxiliary only.
227German Matias Lucero1711558022
27/03/2024 16:47

There are times when I press the space bar and the top menus are displayed.

06/04/2024 06:13 Administrator

A known WinUI bug ... I'm trying to find a fix.

196German Matias Lucero1711365912
25/03/2024 11:25
Feature"Sends" button on Group Tracks.

It would be useful to display the "Sends" button in the Group Tracks.

197German Matias Lucero1711365906
25/03/2024 11:25
BugPitch bend automation

The following happens: 1) When I enter the Pianoroll it stops working. 2) When I copy and paste a part "Add pitch bend automation" it also stops working.

223German Matias Lucero1711365895
25/03/2024 11:24
BugAuxiliary Track -

When I do a Pre-Fader send and I lower the volume of the track that the sound source has, I should lower the vumeter of that track.

222German Matias Lucero1708637092
22/02/2024 21:24
BugInput settings on group tracks.

Input settings on group tracks. I don't think it's working when linking the output of a vsti placed on another track and the input of a group track. I'm not sure lol

219German Matias Lucero1706525103
29/01/2024 10:45
FeatureMultitrack export

It would be useful to be able to choose between different sample rates (44.1/48) and bit (16...) when exporting multitracks.

Concrete example: There are projects where I receive voices from different singers or musicians. And on several occasions they send them in different file formats. And each one sends 15 or 20 files.

218German Matias Lucero1706445559
28/01/2024 12:39
BugSmall artifacts while the project is playing.

I am attaching a short video so that you can hear it.

217German Matias Lucero1706231204
26/01/2024 01:06
BugVSTi Stop

When I have a Vsti on a track. And this track is not connected to an output, when I press Stop, the remnant of sound is heard.

209German Matias Lucero1703327004
23/12/2023 10:23
FeatureZoom in/out - Pianoroll

When I zoom in/out with the shortcut keys or their dedicated buttons in Tracks View, the playback line is in the center. It would be useful if the same thing happened in Pianoroll.

206German Matias Lucero1702298564
11/12/2023 12:42
BugZoom In - Full Screen Curve Edit

When I zoom in, the grid appears to move and doesn't match the original location of the automation points.

202German Matias Lucero1701804559
05/12/2023 19:29
FeaturePianoroll in line

It would be useful if the Pianoroll in line modifies the height zoom just like the tracks.

200German Matias Lucero1699786988
12/11/2023 11:03
FeatureMIDI - Velocity multiple notes.

A tool similar to "Velociti multiplier" would be useful. But it performs the following function: For example: I have two MIDI notes. 2) Both to a Velocity of 120.- 3) With the new feature, after selecting them, you could make them vary their speed by certain percentages. I don't know how to explain it well here hehe. I'll attach a short video.

199German Matias Lucero1699569238
09/11/2023 22:33

It would be interesting if the meters were displayed in stereo.

139German Matias Lucero1698699618
30/10/2023 21:00
BugCrispytuner (by Brainworx)

There is a tuning plugin called Crispytner. I've tested it on Turbo Play. When I make tuning adjustments and press Play I can hear the corrections made. But when I export the audio those corrections are not recorded in the exported file. When I export the audio in real time, the corrections are recorded correctly.

122German Matias Lucero1679708025
25/03/2023 01:33
FeatureVsti vumeter

For example: 1) I place a Vsti on Track 1 2) I try to play a musical arrangement with the MIDI keyboard. In these cases only the Maestro vumeter moves. It would be useful to move the one corresponding to Track 1 (in this example).

04/11/2022 04:23
FeatureFar Future Features

Byz Render Scaling
 Perhaps not saving linking to XML for autolinked tracks?
 PR AbsF to AbsF2 ?
 External ink correct positioning
 Plugin System
 Remove Apr . Show in favor of ListView?
 Complex Color Automation
 Drums and Styles to PR f
 After Effects: Implement all
 Midi Output doesn't play when timer mode is advanced
 Buffering in channel in
  Link all channels correctly
  In combine edit guido, play with correct VSTs
  python = {
numpy svgwrite matplotlib scipy pandas sklearn
pip install dask --upgrade

04/11/2022 04:23
FeatureASIO 64 bit

  AsioLoop3 Time stretch, Reading Midi/Audio,
  Right click audio part stuff
  My VST sf
  to all asio inputs or outputs, not only the type 18
  VST -> AUX
  TR K -> ASIO PlayingModifer, Autogain
  AUX::Mix, Process
  Metronome mix
  TP Sharing
  ReadMidi, PrereadMidi
04/11/2022 04:22
Feature8K Issues

8K bugs: bulge, MultiKey effects (multi2.cpp), Mirror, stuff in multi.cpp

8K no need: simple trs, blend

75German Matias Lucero1666881549
27/10/2022 14:39
FeatureEnlarge or shrink several parts at the same time from the beginning

It would be useful to enlarge or shrink several parts at the same time by selecting them from the beginning while holding down the left mouse click.

60Douglas Kehlhem1664137248
25/09/2022 20:20
FeatureSafe Margins

You could also create a safe margins button in which two margins would pop up on the video playback screen showing you where your titles and video action will be safe from being cutoff. Ex: if the video is being played on a different shaped TV. The action safe rectangle should be 10% smaller than the full frame, and the title safe rectangle should be 20% smaller than the full frame. 

41Douglas Kehlhem1662320057
04/09/2022 19:34
FeaturePanel Dragging

I know that you already my have resizing for the panels, but you should consider having a feature where you can drag the panels as well. That way the client can setup their application how they want it.

04/09/2022 20:37 Administrator

It will take some time. At the moment, the preview window can be sent top,right,left and external.

40German Matias Lucero1662253225
04/09/2022 01:00
FeatureLook ahead ducking

It would be useful if "Look ahead ducking" could be applied on Group and Auxiliary tracks.

37Douglas Kehlhem1662066649
01/09/2022 21:10
FeatureExport screen or dark/light mode

Make the export screen dark gray instead of white, or make a dark and light mode feature for the application. As of now the main part of the application is gray, then when you click on some dropdowns such as "rename project" or "export", the popup is white. I feel it would look cleaner if they popped up in dark gray or something of that nature. You could then make a dark mode and a light mode, with the dark mode being the gray you have right now, including making the popups gray. Then light mode could be white. Alternatively, if you like what you have now with a gray application and white popups, you could make that the default mode, and then make two other modes, light and dark. But the dark in this case would be a black application, and the light would be white.

05/08/2022 08:51
FeatureQuantization Suggestion


After having selected "Alt+Q", Threshold", "Quantization Grid" and "Place and Stretch" it would be useful for "Alt+Q" to make a cut in each mini marker and move them towards the nearest vertical line (red dotted line).

It would be useful for the resulting parts to save information in order to lengthen or shorten the beginning or end of each.

In this way after having pressed "Alt + Q" you can shorten or lengthen the parts and place the Crossfader.

Then it would be necessary to study the best way to join the resulting parts.

Perhaps one option would be this: 

1) I have two resulting audio parts (Part A and Part B). 

2) Detect empty spaces in the track. 

3) Lengthen the end of Part A to the beginning of Part B 

4) Lengthen the beginning of Part B to the end of Part A. 

In this way there are overlaps to which a Crossfader can then be placed.

I don't know if this is possible. I'm also not sure of the outcome. It's just an idea. hehe

05/08/2022 04:05
FeatureShould DirectMonitoring mix

AsioLoop3 uses mf.Put which mixes.

21/07/2022 11:15
FeatureMore HDR Features
  • D3D load
  • Change 32bpp bitmaps into 64/128
  • Scaler to high quality to preserve mode
  • BackBuffer format in d3d.cpp check
  • BitmapMask in ae-ser and bitmap masks
  • aeh
  • all calls to CreateD2X()
  • PartsEmptyEnd HDR
  • check RequireWicF()
  • H265/VP90 tests
  • Check 10-bit videos with HDR
  • Check ffmpeg writing of HDR video VP90

17/07/2022 04:41
FeatureIn 8K resolution, create a combiner effect
  • The combiner effect works under 8K - fix Direct2D bug.
  • Check color automation in combiner.
17/07/2022 04:41
FeatureScore Editor Chords

Score editor ties in chords

16Michael Chourdakis1657964874
16/07/2022 09:47
FeatureEnable VRLT

Enable VRLT

16/07/2022 07:46

Enhance MusicXML  compatibility


15/07/2022 21:38
FeatureProject Password Protection

Protect XML with AES.

15/07/2022 21:36
FeatureByzantine Editor Bugs
  • Export to PR
  • base change
  • combine edit
  • split export lyrics
  • auto lyrics
  • Tetragorgo
15/07/2022 21:34
FeatureNetwork MIDI

Network MIDI support (TCP/UDP)

15/07/2022 21:34
FeatureNew FFMpeg audio filters

Consider:  bm3d, bwdif, cas, deband, deblock, dedot, dejudder, delogo, despill, detelecine, fade,inst hqdn3d, inflate, deflate, mcdeint, nlmeans, nnedi, noise, photosensitivity, removegrain, removelogo , sab, smartblur, 

Example syntax: ffmpeg64.exe -i i1.jpg -y -vf "gblur=sigma=10:steps=1" i2.jpg

15/07/2022 21:26
FeatureTempo track in audio workspace

Ability to have a tempo track in audio workspace.

15/07/2022 15:04
FeatureTimeshift in Groups/Aux

It would be useful to have the option "Time shift - Automatic based on VSTs (normal)" on Group and Auxiliary tracks.


16/07/2022 11:10
FeatureMIDI Visualization Use this tool for Pianoroll Visualization.

12In review

Michael Chourdakis
30/11/2022 09:19
CrashCrash at combiner colors

Crash when adding color matching tool.

21In review

Michael Chourdakis
16/07/2022 11:11
BugStretch audio drawing

When stretching is applied, audio drawing isn't consistent.


In review

Michael Chourdakis
193German Matias Lucero1692038812
14/08/2023 18:46
BugCtrl Z (undo)

When I try to move a part and I go with the mouse very up unintentionally then the ctrl+z function does not work correctly.

14/08/2023 18:46 Administrator

It's a design flaw, will take a look.

11In review

Michael Chourdakis
189Walt Johnson1690887013
01/08/2023 10:50
FeatureSplit at Cursor (Precise) and Split at Cursor (Keyframe) on main menu Differ from the Audio and Video Menu

There are 3 pairs of menu items:

Split at Cursor (Keyframe) and Split at Cursor (Precise) on main context menu

Split at Cursor (Precise) and Split at Cursor (Keyframe) on video functions menu

Split at Cursor (Precise) and Split at Cursor (Keyframe) on audio functions menu

#1 On the Main Context Menu, they are in reverse order, which always makes me hesitate.

#2 On the Main Context Menu, only the Split at Cursor (Keyframe) works on Video and Audio.  Precise does not.

#3 Maybe not even have the duplicates on the Main Context menu, and depend on the Video and Audio Function menus?

01/08/2023 08:52 Administrator

I reversed the order. Generally, only the precise split is normally used. The keyframe split is only needed if for some reason the file reading is very slow.

11In review

Michael Chourdakis
26German Matias Lucero1690280344
25/07/2023 10:19
Feature"Time shift - Automatic based on VSTs (normal)" on Group and Auxiliary tracks.

It would be useful to have the option "Time shift - Automatic based on VSTs (normal)" on Group and Auxiliary tracks.

11In review

Michael Chourdakis
19German Matias Lucero1690280321
25/07/2023 10:18
Feature"External plugin" in the Group, Auxiliary and Master Bus

It would be useful to be able to place "External Plug in" (analog equipment) on the Group, Auxiliary and Master Bus tracks. It would also be useful on the Master Bus 

11In review

Michael Chourdakis
174German Matias Lucero1689595254
17/07/2023 12:00
BugTurbo Play native effects parameter movement

There are occasions where the parameters are blocked. I cannot say why. But when I press the left mouse click on the parameters they do not move.

11In review

Michael Chourdakis
130German Matias Lucero1684852967
23/05/2023 14:42
BugAudio drawing when using the "Stretch" tool

When I apply "Stretch" to an audio part the drawing is not consistent when I zoom in and the drawing algorithm changes.

It would be useful if using "Stretch" the drawing maintains the color assigned to the track and the zoom size assigned to the audio wave (Ctrl+Alt+mouse wheel).

11In review

Michael Chourdakis
123German Matias Lucero1679731936
25/03/2023 08:12
BugVolumen Audio Part

When I modify the volume of a "Part" (not the track) between 0dB and 6dB and then close the project when I reopen it, the volume assigned to the "Party" is not saved.

25/03/2023 10:48 German Matias Lucero

Yes, I save before closing the project. But when I reopen it, this change is not saved.


Why it doesn't ask you to save?

Try saving first and tell me.

In review

Michael Chourdakis
16/07/2022 07:48
Bug8K Rendering

8K Rendering Direct2D bug

21/07/2022 15:36
BugMagic Wand Tool

Magic wand tool doesn't work

207Willem Hartman1703265821
22/12/2023 17:23
StuckCOM port external gps as main location for browser.


I want my location of my external gps (com port) to be my main location so my browser will use the location of the external gps for that. I hope anyone can tell me how to do this and if this is possible with gpsdirect.

I'd like to hear from any of u.

22/12/2023 17:23 Administrator

This is the bug tracker for Turbo Play

Please contact the author directly at

24/05/2024 06:55
FeatureFull Screen Curve edit - Ctrl+A function

It would be useful to be able to select all automation points with the Ctrl+A function within "Full Screen Curve edit

195German Matias Lucero1699035791
03/11/2023 18:23
BugMultitrack export - Auxiliary Track

When I want to export an Auxiliary Track (in multitrack export) Turbo Play crashes.

02/11/2023 14:20 Administrator

Add a project to test


Go to "Multitrack export". When you're there, select the audio track and the auxiliary track (reverb for this example)

59Douglas Kehlhem1687645828
24/06/2023 22:30
FeatureColor Correction Tool

Create an auto color correct tool for people who aren't great with color correction or are new to the software. You can use this tool as a base point for color correction and grading.

38Douglas Kehlhem1681107174
10/04/2023 06:12
FeatureStart Up Screen

On the Start up/home screen where you see the effects you can click through, you should make it so it automatically flips through the effects when you start up the app. As of right now, you have to click on the big logo for it to start flipping through effects. I didn't even know that was a feature until I accidentally clicked on it.

02/09/2022 05:37 Administrator

I didn't want to do this by default because it may slow down PCs with lower end graphic cards. The original intention is to have it as an accidental easter egg.

10/03/2023 11:27
BugAmek Eq 200 plugin from Plugin Alliance.

Parameter presets are not displayed. Solving this particular problem may work for other similar situations.

48Douglas Kehlhem1676912201
20/02/2023 16:56
FeatureMarker Look

Have the maker line that, as of now, goes behind the video, go in front of the video so you can see where exactly in the video you're dragging it. Also, the marker doesn't need to say "marker" or "2 Marker" on it, instead, it could just be plain. If you do make the marker like that, make it the same shape as the main playhead, it will make everything look more professional.

12/09/2022 17:25 Administrator

I made it showning in front of the parts. Why not a name? Perhaps a default without a name.

11/01/2023 21:20
BugCheck Raw Sample Reader 1 to 2 CH

Bug when only CH are different.

102German Matias Lucero1671442723
19/12/2022 09:38

For example: I have three parts of audio. When I click on the part in the middle and create a crossfader it would be useful to create it on both sides.

21/12/2022 17:27 German Matias Lucero

I think it still doesn't work.

19/12/2022 09:39 Administrator

I added Ctrl+Alt+B to put the CF to both left/right sides

61Douglas Kehlhem1664853767
04/10/2022 03:22
FeatureFace Mask

Make a face mask tool for the graphics section in which when you import a background photo behind text, you can click this button to have the background turn into the color of the text and the background disappears. Make it so this is possible with a video clip as the background as well. 

62Douglas Kehlhem1664525977
30/09/2022 08:19
FeatureSave Preset

There should be a way to save the presets for your color correction settings or graphical settings or workspace settings in general so when you go into a new project you don't have to set everything up again.

30/09/2022 08:19 Administrator

Newer build remembers sizes. 

24/09/2022 11:35
BugPianoroll C1 C2 C3

Should be C0 C1 C2

49Douglas Kehlhem1663073735
13/09/2022 12:55
FeatureComparison view

Make a comparison view button where when you click it, the video player splits into two video players. This way you can compare your original footage to your edited footage. This button would probably go next to the "Capture frame" button.

13/09/2022 12:55 Administrator


12/09/2022 17:15 Administrator

"Edited" means with the effects?

46Douglas Kehlhem1663004123
12/09/2022 17:35

When dragging a video clip over another video clip in the timeline, you should be able to delete the part of the video that you dragged the other video clip over.

12/09/2022 17:35 Administrator

Added with drag + control.

47Douglas Kehlhem1663001192
12/09/2022 16:46
FeatureLock Marker

When you add a marker, make it so you can't drag it, Or make a "lock marker" feature to lock the marker in place.

50Douglas Kehlhem1662997161
12/09/2022 15:39
FeatureHome Button

Make sure to add a home button on the audio project editor in the file dropdown as you did with the video project editor.

45Douglas Kehlhem1662956923
12/09/2022 04:28
FeatureRestart Video

After the playhead stops at the end of a video, make it so when you press the play button again it restarts from the beginning of the video.

44Douglas Kehlhem1662956709
12/09/2022 04:25
BugPlayhead Drift

When the playhead reaches the end of a video clip it keeps playing for another 1.7 seconds. You should make it so it stops exactly at the end of the video. It's a small but important fix.


42Douglas Kehlhem1662323810
04/09/2022 20:36
FeatureHome Button

I haven’t been able to find a home button to get back to the Home Screen inside the editor. I feel you should add one next to the “file” dropdown, or put a back arrow (<) in that area. This way the client can start a new audio or video project much quicker.

43Douglas Kehlhem1662323414
04/09/2022 20:30
FeatureColor Changing

Right now the play button turns green when you click it. I feel that it would feel cleaner if you had it turn light gray like the stop button does. On the other hand you could make the stop button turn red when you click it, that would make the play button turning green look a little bit more normal.

34Douglas Kehlhem1661435600
25/08/2022 13:53
FeatureAdd an “edit” drop-down

You should add a dropdown labeled “edit”, to the right of the file dropdown. This way, you can remove the quick access toolbar, and move those undo and redo functions into the new “edit” drop-down. You can also add a copy, paste, cut, and delete function to the dropdown; you can add other relevant functions as well. This would make the application look much cleaner than it is now. You could even move the word “turboplay” and its logo, from the very top of the application down to the left of the “file” dropdown, getting rid of that whole blue top bar as a whole.

33Douglas Kehlhem1661435585
25/08/2022 13:53
FeatureTop Bar/Ribbon drop-downs

I’m n the top bar/ribbon of the application, you should make the different categories into drop-downs, instead of how it just shows up across the top of the whole screen when you click on one. That way the application will feel a lot more professional.

35Douglas Kehlhem1661404219
25/08/2022 05:10
FeatureDetach Audio feature

In the “video functions” dropdown where it says “Extract original audio to new part” you should have the audio detach from the video clip, and be automatically moved to a new layer. Instead of how right now it moves the detached audio clip to the media bay. You should keep that feature, but just implement the first feature I recommended. It would make the process a little bit swifter.

32Douglas Kehlhem1661404208
25/08/2022 05:10
FeatureImporting Into Media BayWhen you import a video or photo into the Media Bay, the file is stretched horizontally. It’s a very small thing, but it would make the application look better.
25/08/2022 04:25 Administrator


17/07/2022 04:43
FeaturePianoroll Split

It would be useful for "Pianoroll function - Split at measure" to work on several selected MIDI Parts.
For example:
1) I have two Tracks A and B.
2) On Track A I have a MIDI Part that goes from musical compas 1 to 5. On Track B I have a MIDI Part that goes from musical compas 2 to 5.
3) I select both MIDI parts to make a cut in the musical compas 4.

07/08/2022 12:26 German Matias Lucero

